Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bedroom Lighting Checklist

To make sure you have proper lighting in your bedroom or master suite, I suggest asking the following questions. (Tip: You want to be able to answer "yes" to all!)

1. Can I see well enough to get dressed?
2. Is there a light in the closet?
3. Are there individual reading lights on each side of the bed?
4. Is there an overhead light source?
5. Do I have enough light to determine the colors of clothing in my drawers?
6. Do I have a light source near the door?
7. Have I installed outlets in convenient locations while building/renovating the bedroom?
8. Can I fill dark corners with portable lighting sources?
9. Do I have a dimmer installed on the overhead light source?
10. Are there lights at the dressing table to help with makeup?

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